10 Apr 2012


I received my official invite to Pinterest yesterday. I'm one of the cool kids now. Tipped to become one of the frontrunners in social media, Pinterest is taking off with its pins and boards, filling in the niche for providing quick inspiration. Users create boards on which to pin images of interest to easily give an overview of what your taste is like. And by scanning through other users' boards, we can find cool things, take inspiration and share them. I've understood it to be a visual Twitter or a compact Tumblr. Simple enough. (Simplicity is very often the key to success with these, albeit that itself is extremely complex to nail.) It's impressive to see new social media of this kind to be so welcomed in an age where there's so many similar platforms already out there, all merely copying each other. We'll soon find out whether this one is genuinely any good, but its signs are positive. So follow tlee. on Pinterest and let's pinspire ourselves.

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