11 Apr 2012


Our garden is really nice. Its size is generous, the greenery is beautiful, my mum takes care of the colour with cute flowers, and of course the nature is buzzing with birds and animals. One of the biggest assets of this garden, and in fact of the house as a whole, is a grand cherry blossom tree, unveiling its wonder come spring time. It's amazing, we always await its blossoming eagerly, and although it lasts only one or two weeks per year, it's a big deal. It marks the arrival of Spring and it's genuinely one of the most beautiful of sights, I'd say it's something we cherish.

We've had new neighbours recently (who by the way have not come to introduce themselves, which I believe would be a polite thing to do) and they chopped the sakura tree down! The whole thing. The tree actually stems on their side of the fence, so I think they are entitled legally, but the tree grows over into our airspace giving us the most overwhelming view. Yesterday, I saw the man climb his ladder and saw the poor thing down with his stupid chainsaw, slowly and painfully. I'm not even exaggerating with my words you know, I'm genuinely upset. I was so shocked I couldn't move, literally felt my heart beat odd. I'm not sure I've overcome it yet to be honest, the fact that we won't ever get to see the sakura majestically paint our garden in its oh-so-elegant pink. Such a shame, I can't believe it. I just wish the neighbours would have at least had the courtesy to inform us before tearing it down. I also wish that they knew how much we valued it.

I know it's just a tree. And we'll get over it. But today we're fucking unhappy.

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