3 Jan 2013


Having fully enjoyed the first two weeks of my winter holiday, I've now moved on to the stage of getting ready for term to resume at university. By which I mean, of course, panicking with the amount of work that I didn't realise was due and how quickly joy turns to stress. So, I've been working hard since the turn of the year on projects and essays, my iCal week view has never been so empty.

But amidst the last minute rush, I've had time to reflect on what a wonderful year 2012 was, not just for me but for Great Britain. So great we were, I'm convinced that this is the year I will be telling future generations about when I'm old. Inevitably dominated by the huge success of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, Britain quashed what people thought of the nation and carved its ambitious, bright, hard-working, witty and friendly character as we opened up to welcome the world. And never have I felt so proud. 2012 was a year to be British (and a Chelsea fan), I loved every minute.

This year though, I hope to step up my personal game. Halfway through my Design degree and turning 21, I'm raring to go.

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